Saturday 22 February 2014

Review | Dr. Lin Skincare Acne Spot Corrector

What is it? This is basically a 5% Benzoyl Peroxide gel  that's supposed to be used as a spot treatment to get rid of acne.

Claims? Treats acne breakouts and fades dark and red marks. Paraben-Free, Hydroquinone-Free and contains natural active botanicals.

First Impression: I got this in my ipsy bag and to be honest, when I first opened up my bag, I was extremely excited to have gotten this because I've been having trouble with my skin lately and I had a huge spot on my forehead along with the usual breakouts on my chin. I opened it up right when I got it and put it on my spots to see if it would work since it seemed to have decent reviews. It didn't really do anything, I got my bag when I got home at night so I put it on and went to bed.

The Next Day: So I had this Mt. Everest on my forehead and smaller than Mt. Everest but still very noticeable spots on my chin, so that's where I had applied the product. So when I woke up, obviously I hoped that everything would be clear and be amazing and angels would sing when they saw the lack of acne on my face... [back to reality] it didn't do much of anything. I didn't notice any difference in the acne but it also didn't irritate my skin.

The Next Few Days: So I continued to use it in the morning and night on those same spots in hopes that it would do something for me but I then noticed I started to get very red and itchy. I figured it may be working since there are some changes in the area but upon closer inspection, the acne was still there and not subdued. Both the under-the-surface-painful-acne-from-Hell and the I've-Surfaced-Please-Use-All-Your-Willpower-Not-To-Pop-Me acne were unchanged. The skin around it though, my poor, poor skin was SO bad. It was RED and it was so flaky and itchy!!

It's so incredibly dry right now. The patches are so noticeable and I've been trying to moisturize it with some Vitamin E oil so that it would heal a bit. I've heard that Benzoyl Peroxide does this to people and that it's normal to experience irritation and that you should continue to use this. I don't know if I believe this... I'm just waiting for my dry, irritated skin to subdue because it looks and feels HORRIBLE! I don't know if I would subject myself to this again... what do you guys think? Has anyone had this experience with this product or any other Benzoyl Peroxide products? If I try this again, I would probably put this on like once every two days as to not burn my freaking face off again.

Ridiculous. It's late at night that I'm writing this review, If I had some daylight I would take some pictures to show you how bad my skin is right now. I look like a burn victim... well I feel like one anyway.

I'd be very interested in hearing your thoughts and/or your experiences with these types of products. There is a possibility that I may have been using too much product...

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